Thursday, December 4, 2008


(Written July 7th, 2008)

(Let me preface my statement by saying that if this is misinterpreted as anything more than wisdom, then the message of my meditation and its sincerity was misunderstood. My heart saw the "Feeling Left Out" threads and felt compelled to help with honest words from my soul. What follows is something that works for me.)

You know recently, I've saw lists of quality books by Black male authors about positive male protagonists over a recent stretch, as well as popular writers. My name or titles, while fitting all criteria and having compelling reviews that support possible inclusion, were omitted from the discussion. My initial feeling was one of frustration, to such a point that for a quick minute the train of thought was "Screw Black Literature, and the political/popularity culture that accompanies it." That sentiment didn't linger, because years in this grind have told me there are more dues to pay.

That's part one: KNOW THERE ARE DUES TO PAY FOR THE SHINE YOU RICHLY DESERVE. If success and acclaim came easy, would you appreciate it? Given some of the arrogance I see with some of my peers and this awful sense of entitlement that accompanies the BS, I often wonder if they fully are grateful for the experience of others reading their works.

This sometimes, carries over into the readers groups as well. And for those that feel as if there peering into the club from a dirty window, understand the nature of the beast, and with the same passion you have for the product itself, incorporate the same oomph in your posts. Better yet, attack it all with passion (your books, voice in chats, interviews, et al.) It's not how many times you fill up a post with words, but make each post count.
Another thing that works for me is the motivational channeling of that negative feeling of being slighted/ignored into something positive. Again, I refer to those lists. Realizing that initial feeling was my ego talking, I reeled that voice in, and stored it away as incentive to do greater things with my writing. Every time I experience writers block, get stuck on a phrase, get tired after spending a night at the computer et al...I'll pull out what I felt when passed over, how I felt over a perceived slight, and contort it into something that helps me get through tough writing times. Have you ever hit that wall running and needed that extra thing after all self-motivation tactics have dried-up? Well…

The same applies with getting your book reviewed. Be persistent in having your stuff read, develop a professional approach and utilize proper channels. No offense, but whining in a readers site about whose more popular, et al. will not get it done. It's wasted energy that's counterproductive to your passionate journey.

The last thing is spiritual as opposed to physical, mental or emotional. What's for you, even in readers groups, is for you in God's time. KNOW THAT HE HAS BROUGHT THIS FAR FOR A REASON. YOUR SHINE IS NOT THERE YET BECAUSE THERE'S MORE WORK TO DO FOR THE FINISHED PRODUCT.

Additionally, be cognizant of the fact that no human being can get in the way of your anointed time. And when the time comes for enemies to be placed at your feet, or to serve you in the way befitting a literary king or queen, always remain humble. And show the situation, person, and/or circumstance love, so that your shine will be enduring, and illuminating.

So in closing, I say don't give up in getting your voice heard. And while this journey can be frustrating, the rewards are beautiful. As told to me once by a dear friend, it all depends on your interpretation of things.

William Fredrick Cooper

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